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Код товара: t414490
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Код производителя | 13187213 |
Производитель | Wizard |
Размер | 2.10 m |
Цвет | Black |
Код поставщика | 13187213-140314019-nit |
We can immediately see that the Wizard Samurai Spin fishing rods can be divided into two groups! One is the needle point version. Their characteristic is that they have a solid carbon tip, which enables very sensitive bait guidance. In addition, we can also use very tiny baits with the thinnest lines. Test fishing experience proves that in many cases we can conjure up predators even from completely dead water by using the right sized bait. And this results in a reduction in size in almost all cases.The softest member of the needle tip rods, the 0.5-5 g version! This means that we can guide even a 2 cm artificial bait with it in such a way that we can keep its movement under complete control. The longest and heaviest casting weight member of this series is the 240 2-8 g cannon!In addition to being very responsive, incredibly tight and spiney, these rods have the A action. So, during the pumping, they also can compete with bigger applicants. During the tests, we caught 4-5 kg zanders with the longest rod! And it has been proven many times that the big fish does not always want the big bait! Use extremely thin braided lines, monofilament lines and fluorocarbon. But really only with a tensile strenght of a few kg, because with thicker lines it loses its sensitivity and is unnecessary anyway.The other is the ´´traditional´´ version with a pipe tip. Heavy-duty, yet graceful, thin equipment, which is primarily suitable for fishing with plastic lures, but wobblers and flashers can also be guided beautifully with it. They have B action, so they absorb the load in a nice curve during fishing.Their material is IM9 carbon. We haven´t seen much of this material lately, but it really deserves attention! Its lightness and stiffness are almost reminiscent of high-end rods, in addition to the tremendous power that resides in them. However, the higher the IM number of our fishing rod, the more we have to pay attention to it, they are less tolerant of impacts and knocking with sharp surfaces, since our material contains a higher percentage of carbon than, say, a fishing rod with IM7 material. Each fishing rod has a hook holder ear. Not with the little folding wire! With a regular fixed lug, in which the line does not get caught and the hook of the artificial bait lies stably in it.All in all, an excellent spinning fishing rod was born with the Wizard Samurai Spin, within the wide range of length and casting weight, everyone will find the right one for themselves, whether it is a hobby spinning rod or a professional competitive angler. We wish everyone an autumn experience rich in fishing. Wizard Samurai Спиннинговая Удочка доступен в различных вариантах и различными характеристиками. Выберите тот, который соответствует вашим потребностям и получите посылку домой в течение нескольких дней. К тому же в интернет-магазине Семь футов вы найдете Wizard Samurai Спиннинговая Удочка и похожие продукты. Наш выбор товара Cпиннинг разработаны, чтобы дать вам полную уверенность независимо от нагрузки во время тренировки, спортивных активностей.
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