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Код товара: t414772
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Код производителя | ZT12V |
Производитель | Zasdar |
Размер | One Size |
Цвет | Black |
Код поставщика | ZT12V-138730147-nit |
ZASDAR PCP 12 v/220 v Transformer Black is a highly efficient and durable transformer that helps in converting the voltage from 12 volts to 220 volts. This transformer is made up of black-colored high-quality materials that provide excellent durability and strength to the product. It is designed to be used primarily for the purpose of charging weapons and other PCP accessories, and is compatible with a wide range of devices.This product is a must-have for individuals who require high-quality, on-the-go power source for their weapons and other accessories while on long hunting trips and other activities. The transformer is equipped with high-end features that ensure optimal performance and longevity of the device. It is compact and easy to carry, making it an ideal choice for outdoor enthusiasts.The ZASDAR PCP 12 v/220 v Transformer Black comes with a range of accessories like cords, plugs and sockets that make it an excellent all-in-one power source. The product has a tough exterior which makes it easy to handle and maintain. Furthermore, its high-quality construction ensures that it withstands rigorous use and abuse in any environment.Overall, if you are looking for a high-quality transformer that will provide the best performance and reliability, the ZASDAR PCP 12 v/220 v Transformer Black is the perfect solution for you. It is perfect for use with weapons and a range of PCP accessories. Знаете ли вы все характеристики Zasdar PCP 12 v/220 v Трансформатор? В hunt, мы выбираем Охота продукты, которые предназначены для различных видов деятельности и спорта. Если вы ищете другой Оружие товар, просмотрите нашу полную Аксессуары коллекцию. Все бренды, которые мы продаем, как Zasdar связаны со спортом или деятельностью, которую они предоставляют. Все бренды тестируются нашей командой Охота экспертов!
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