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Stoppani 201332 Isofan Classic 1L Отвердитель Clear

Код товара: t440335

23 869

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Код производителя 201332
Производитель Stoppani
Размер One Size
Цвет Clear
Код поставщика 201332-140677869-nit


The STOPPANI Isofan Classic 1L Hardener Clear is a high-quality hardener specifically designed for use in boats and equipment. It is an essential component in the maintenance and cleaning of these water vessels and other equipment.This hardener is specially formulated using advanced technology to provide a durable and long-lasting protective layer. It effectively enhances the resistance of the surface it is applied to against harsh environmental elements such as UV rays, saltwater, chemicals, and abrasions.The Isofan Classic 1L Hardener Clear is easy to apply and dries quickly to a glossy and transparent finish. It is ideal for use on various surfaces, including fiberglass, metal, wood, and plastic. This versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of applications, including boat hulls, decks, masts, and other equipment.Regular maintenance and cleaning of boats and equipment are essential to prolonging their lifespan and maintaining their optimal performance. By using the STOPPANI Isofan Classic 1L Hardener Clear as part of your maintenance routine, you can protect your vessel or equipment from premature deterioration, corrosion, and fading.In addition to its excellent protective properties, this hardener is also highly resistant to yellowing, ensuring that your boat or equipment maintains its aesthetic appeal. Its clear and transparent finish allows the original color and texture of the surface to shine through.Whether you are a boat owner, a professional maintenance crew, or an enthusiast, the STOPPANI Isofan Classic 1L Hardener Clear is a reliable and effective solution for keeping your boats and equipment in top shape. With its superior durability, easy application, and exceptional protective properties, it is the ideal choice for maintaining and cleaning your valuable water vessels and other equipment. Stoppani Isofan Classic 1L Отвердитель доступен в различных вариантах и различными характеристиками. Выберите тот, который соответствует вашим потребностям и получите посылку домой в течение нескольких дней. К тому же в интернет-магазине Семь футов вы найдете Stoppani Isofan Classic 1L Отвердитель и похожие продукты. Наш выбор товара Техническое обслуживание и чистка разработаны, чтобы дать вам полную уверенность независимо от нагрузки во время тренировки, спортивных активностей.

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