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Stoppani 201816 Isofan 1L Отвердитель для быстрой отделки Clear

Код товара: t440456

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Код производителя 201816
Производитель Stoppani
Размер One Size
Цвет Clear
Код поставщика 201816-140677867-nit


The STOPPANI Isofan 1L Fast Finish Hardener Clear is a high-quality product designed specifically for boats and equipment. It is a top coat hardener that provides a clear and glossy finish to surfaces, making them look brand new.This hardener is perfect for maintenance and cleaning of boats and equipment as it provides excellent protection against damage from weathering, UV rays, and other harsh environmental conditions. It also enhances the durability of surfaces, making them more resistant to scratches and stains.The STOPPANI Isofan Fast Finish Hardener Clear is easy to apply and dries quickly, allowing for fast and efficient work. It is compatible with a wide range of substrates such as fiberglass, metal, wood, and plastic, making it suitable for various types of boats and equipment.In addition to its protective properties, this hardener also adds a beautiful shine to surfaces, giving them a polished and professional appearance. It effectively brings out the natural color and texture of the materials, resulting in a stunning finish that impresses both owners and onlookers.Whether you want to restore the appearance of an old boat or maintain the pristine look of a brand new one, the STOPPANI Isofan 1L Fast Finish Hardener Clear is an exceptional choice. Its high-performance formula ensures long-lasting protection and a flawless finish, making it a favorite amongst boat owners and maintenance professionals. Если вы ищете статью хорошего качества Техническое обслуживание и чистка, то предоставляемый нами выбор Техническое обслуживание и чистка соответствует вашим ожиданиям. Мы рекомендуем Stoppani Isofan 1L Отвердитель для быстрой отделки, цена 8348.49 RUB и товар доступен. Семь футов лучший вариант, чтобы купить Семь футов снаряжение по лучшей цене. Если нашли цену дешевле Stoppani Isofan 1L Отвердитель для быстрой отделки, доступной всем, где бы то ни быо, мы предложим такую же!

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